Extended Reading for «Relaciones Geograficas...»

9 years 3 months ago #159 by C Madruga
Hello everyone! and thank you for a first day and a half of very interesting and thought provoking discussions!
Here is the link for a paper on the pinturas of the Relaciones Geograficas de Indias, also a part of Juan Pimentel's presentation yesterday.
I hope this is useful to keep the discussion on visual and material culture and representations; knowledge gathering in imperial situations; and creoule practices..
Available at: digitalcommons.asphs.net/bsphs/vol39/iss1/1
(if you have problems downloading it, I have the pdf with me.

Between imperial design and colonial appropriation: the Relaciones Geográficas de Indias and their pinturas as cartographic practices in New Spain
Antonio Sánchez Martínez, Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia
José Pardo Tomás, Institució Milà i Fontanals

This article considers the pinturas of New Spain from the Relaciones Geográficas de Indias as an ambitious and imperialistic metropolitan project for a Ptolemaic chorography of the Indies that was, in the end, redefined in the colony by the tlacuiloque and the local communities as a sort of ‘invention of a New Spain’. For the Council of Indies, the project of the Relaciones and their pinturas meant the final stage of a cosmographical appropriation of the American territories. For New Spain, however, the resulting hybrid cartographic representations meant a sort of foundational act of a “New Spain”. The local communities and the authors of the pinturas took the opportunity given to them by their new lords to reinvent their own version of the territory appropriating the initial imperial design to establish their own new identities.

Martínez, Antonio Sánchez and Tomás, José Pardo (2015) "Between imperial design and colonial appropriation: the Relaciones Geográficas de Indias and their pinturas as cartographic practices in New Spain," Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Vol. 39: Iss. 1, Article 1.


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