Aims and format
Unlike conventional summer schools, our focus is not on conveying predefined skills or content to novices, but rather on bringing together aspiring and established scholars in order to promote new approaches and ideas. The directors — currently Christiane Groeben (Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples), Nick Hopwood (University of Cambridge), Erika Milam (Princeton University) and Staffan Müller-Wille (University of Cambridge) — propose a different broad and cutting-edge theme for each school. Nine distinguished international faculty present lectures and organize seminars based on pre-circulated readings and including student presentations. These are complemented by open discussions.

This format provides a structured learning experience balanced by extensive opportunities for participation and interaction. English is the working language and we encourage exchange of ideas across disciplinary boundaries, national cultures and historical periods. Last but not least, the format offers students plenty of opportunities for networking among peers and establishing contacts with leading scholars. Spending the week together on an island maximizes opportunities for exchange. These are enhanced by social events, including a welcome reception and a day trip to Naples, the morning spent learning about the history and current research of the Zoological Station, the afternoon free for sightseeing. There is also a free afternoon to explore beautiful Ischia itself.
Student selection
The directors select up to 28 postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows from all over the world according to criteria of academic track record, fit of their research interests with the theme, diversity and geographical range. A call for applications, including a theme description and list of faculty, is usually issued in the autumn preceding the school, with a deadline for submitting applications at the end of February. Applications consist of a statement of interest, a CV and a letter of reference.
The school has had no endowment or regular source of income. The directors seek funding for each one and are working towards a more sustainable model. Each student pays a subsidized fee to cover full board and lodging and needs to fund their own travel. Fees can be waived for a few students, usually from low- or middle-income countries or less privileged institutions, who demonstrate financial need.
Respectful behaviour policy
We are dedicated to providing a safe, hospitable and productive environment for students and faculty. We expect all participants to treat others with respect and consideration and not to engage in behaviour that is discriminatory, intimidating, threatening or harassing. Our respectful behaviour policy is available here.