29 June – 12 July, 1980
Historical Aspects of the Relations Between Work and Health (Biochemistry, Physiology, Pathology and Hygiene)

Preliminary program:
- B. Hoppe (Munich): Biological roots of the concepts of force and energy
- V. Capelletti (Rome): Helmoltz and Mayer on the conservation of energy
- J.S.Fruton (New Haven): Retrospect on the energetics of metabolism
- M. Aloisi (Padova): History of knowledge on muscular contraction
- E. Bastholm (Copenhagen): Early history of research on muscular traction up to the chemical revolution
- G. Rudolph (Kiel): Problems of fatigue. Concepts and research in the 19th and 20th centuries
- M.D. Grmek (Paris): Work and medicine in Classical Antiquity and in the Middle Ages
- P. Rossi (Florence): Technics and culture in the Renaissance
- P. Di Pietro (Modena): Occupational medicine of craftsmen, 1400–1700. The work of Ramazzini
- C. Cipolla (Berkeley): Work and health in the pre-industrial society
- V. Comiti (Paris): The pathology of work and the industrial revolution
- P. Huard (Paris): Work and medicine in ancient China
- A. Mazars (Strasbourg): Work and medicine in ancient India
- G. Berlinguer (Rome): Evolution of nosology from the industrial revolution to the scientific revolution
- F. Della Peruta (Milano): Social consequences of the main industrial diseases
- V. Navarro (Baltimore): Evolution of the work process in the United States and its implications in health and medicine
- J.C. Garcia (Washington): Development of the concepts of fatigue and weariness in Latin America
- M. Jaročevski (Moscow): Social and logical aspects of research on the structure of work
- U. Janlert (Lulea): Unemployment and health: Changing concepts in the 20th century
- F. Carnevale (Verona): Evolution of the pathology of work: The Italian case 1890–1960
- C. Castellani (Milano): From factory pollution to the protection of workers: An exemplary case
- B. Beličza (Zagreb): The struggle for health, and social and institutional achievements
- M. Valentin
i(Saint-Cloud): Origins and development of ergonomy - L. Bulferetti (Genova): Recent attempts to quantify the progress of technics and work
- Y. Zinevič (Moscow): Categorical analyses of the development of psychophysiology
- R. Misiti (Rome): The psychology of work
- A. R. Hall (London): Homo Fabricator, a new species

General Information
The course will be held at the Villa dell'Acquario, Ischia Porto. It is a resident course and the total fee including full board and accommodation (arranged by the School) is US $ 300.00.
The aim of the course is to favour discussion among persons of different fields. There will be a maximum of two contributions each session to be followed by approximately 2 hours of discussion. English, French, and Italian will be the working languages of the course.
Persons wishing to attend the course should write to Dr. Bernardino Fantini, Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, Villa Comunale, 80121 Naples, Italy, specifying:
- date and place of birth together with present nationality
- degree and other academic qualifications
- list of publications (optional)
- present position and place of work
Partial support can be given to some students in need of financial help. This must be specified and justified in the letter of application.
Closing date for application, March 31th April 15th, 1980.
Admission to the School will be decided by a Committee consisting of Prof. M. D. Grmek, Director of the School; Prof G. Berlinguer, Director of the Course; Prof. A. Monroy, Director of Stazione Zoologica; Dr. B. Fantini, Scientific Secretary of the School.
We regret that, owing the limited number of places available in the lecture hall, it will not be possible to allow any person not selected by the committee of the School to attend the course.
More detailed information, including the timetable of the lectures, will be sent to successfull applicants with the acceptance letter.
Director of the School: M.D. Grmek
Director of the Course: G. Berlinguer
Director of the Stazione Zoologica: A. Monroy

The School is sponsored by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
[Note: The application deadline was changed between the announcement in HPLS and the poster, indicated here as struck-through corrections.]