19–28 June, 1988
The Measure of Life: Quantity and Quality in Biological Explanation

- Philosophical problems of quantity and quality
- Quantification in classical medicine and natural history
- Observation and experiment
- Statistics and the design of experiments
- Quantification of biological concepts
- Quantity and quality in evolutionary biology
- Quantitative thinking in physiology
- Dosage of chemical and physical agents
- The concept of biological specificity
- Information theory in biology
- Optimization methods
- Mathematical modelling in biology and medicine
- Quantification of medical diagnosis
- M. Adams (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
- G.E. Allen (Washington University, St. Louis)
- A. Crombie (Trinity College, Oxford)
- B. Fantini (University of Rome “La Sapienza”)
- M.D. Grmek (EPHE / Sorbonne, Paris)
- G. Israel (University of Rome “La Sapienza”)
- T. Lenoir (University of Arizona, Tucson)
- R.C. Olby (Leeds University)
- P. Pellegrin (University of Paris)
- M. Ruse (University of Guelph, Ontario)
General Information
The working languages of the course will be English, French and Italian; detailed summaries, in English or French will be made available.
Participants will be limited to 25 candidates.
The Course is structured in two sessions per day, with two lectures per session.
A tradition of the School is the ample interdisciplinary discussion that follows each lecture.
As in previous years, some of the lectures will be published in History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences.

There will be a registration fee of US $500.00 Italian Lira 700,000 per participant, payable following notification of acceptance. This sum will cover accomodation and full board for the duration of the Course.
Deadline for applications: 30 April, 1988.
Applications, together with a detailed curriculum vitae, should be sent to:
Jean Ann Gilder, History of Science Unit,
Stazione Zoologica, Villa Comunale, 80121 Naples, Italy.
Tel. 081-5833255 — Telex 720256 SZN I
Director of the School: M.D. Grmek (EPHE / Sorbonne, Paris)
Director of the Course: Alistair C. Crombie (Trinity College, Oxford)
President of the Stazione Zoologica: Gaetano Salvatore
Director of the Stazione Zoologica: Antonio Miralto
Scientific Secretary Organisation: Bernardino Fantini (Naples Zoological Station / University of Rome)
Organizing Secretariat: Gioacchino De Vivo, Jean Ann Gilder, & Christiane Groeben (all Stazione Zoologica)
[Note: There are discrepancies between the announcements in HPLS and the poster, indicated here as struck-through corrections. For example, B.A. Fantini's affiliation seems to have changed in the meantime, as has the cost of the course (from dollars to lira).]